The Four Pillars
Engaging our Community

Our Strategic Direction:   

  1. Church collaboration on the Peninsula
  2. A robust and diverse program of worship, celebration, spiritual practice, education & cultural events 
  3. Reconciliation and Engagement with Indigenous Communities   
  4. Making the most of the historic Shady Creek site and buildings.                                                                             

Deepening and demonstrating our faith in Jesus Christ

by PARTNERING in and with the community of

Central Saanich and beyond.  

We are a progressive Christian community affirming that all people are sacred in God's eyes.  We are committed to lovingly create a community where all people are welcomed to fully participate in all aspects of ministry, our life together and celebrated, regardless of sexual orientation, gender, gender identity, race, age, various abilities & disabilities, spiritual beliefs, and ethnic or cultural background.  We will continue to live out diversity and social justice through our actions.

AGM Reports

Every year we hold our annual general meeting, usually in March.  All congregation members are invited to attend and participate.

Annual Reports are Here